WA Premier Renews ALP Commitment to Health Investment

Public Health Association of Australia

WA Premier Roger Cook has renewed his predecessor Mark McGowan's commitment that by 2029, 5% of state health expenditure will be dedicated to preventive health and other public health outcomes.

In a letter received by the Public Health Association of Australia's WA Branch today, the WA Premier and Labor Party Leader recommitted to the 2020 Sustainable Health Review goal that 5% of health system spending will be on prevention by the year 2029.

The Premier writes: "Sustainable Health Review Recommendation 1 is to increase and sustain focus on investment in public health, with prevention rising to at least 5 per cent of total health expenditure by July 2029. WA Labor remains committed to this goal and will continue to increase investment in public health and prevention."

The full letter is available at PHAA WA's election priorities page at voteforpublichealth.org.

PHAA WA has been campaigning for six key public health priorities, including investment in prevention and health promotion, addressing the contribution of alcohol to gender-based violence, and protecting children from the influence of harmful industries.

PHAA WA has sought commitments against these six priorities from Labor, the Coalition, and the Greens, and our assessment of their responses and known positions is set out on our scorecard page. Both the ALP and Greens scored a green dot for fully meeting with our investment in prevention and health promotion priority.

PHAA CEO, Adj Prof Terry Slevin, said the Premier's letter was a welcome renewal of Labor's 2021 election commitment.

"WA was a leader in committing to higher prevention spending, out in front of the national strategic goal of reaching 5%-for-prevention by 2030," Adj Prof Slevin.

"We commend Premier Cook for this statement, and we urge the Coalition and any other candidates committed to the health of WA people, to match his commitment."

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