WA records lowest flu numbers in history

  • One case of influenza reported each week in the last two weeks
  • 20 cases reported in the last month, the lowest in State's recorded history
  • McGowan Government COVID-19 precautions protect WA community from influenza spread
  • 445,181 Western Australians have already received the influenza vaccine this year, an increase of 62,550 from 2019
  • For the first time in history, Western Australia has detected only one case of influenza each week in the last two weeks.

    Only 20 cases of influenza have been detected in WA for the past month, the lowest recorded in the State's history for this period. This compares to 548 cases detected in April 2019, and 151 in April 2018.

    Already 445,181 Western Australians have received an influenza vaccination, an increase of 62,550 compared to the same period in 2019 and an increase of 166,117 to 2018.

    This record-low detection rate is attributed to the extensive COVID-19 precautions that Western Australians have been effectively engaging to reduce the spread of the novel coronavirus.

    These precautionary measures to reduce the impact of COVID-19, including social distancing, good hand hygiene and the early uptake of the influenza vaccine, have also been effective in preventing the spread of the influenza virus.

    The McGowan Government continues to encourage Western Australians to take advantage of the influenza vaccine as the first State to provide free influenza vaccinations to primary school-aged children.

    In 2019, WA recorded 80 deaths from influenza - five of which were children aged 10 and under.

    Also in an Australian-government first, a short-term 'drive through' influenza clinic is being established for some at-risk community members in Perth in late May.

    Western Australians who have not done so are encouraged to take action and get vaccinated against the influenza virus to protect themselves and their community, and to further reduce the risk of COVID-19 overburdening our health system.

    As stated by Health Minister Roger Cook:

    "Western Australians have done an incredible job in reducing the spread of COVID-19, and this is further evident in the lowest number of influenza notifications in recent WA history, but we must continue to work together.

    "More than ever, it is vital that Western Australians get vaccinated against the influenza virus to protect themselves and their loved ones.

    "Like COVID-19, the influenza virus threatens the most vulnerable members of our communities. Protect them, and yourself, by getting the influenza vaccine."

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