Council of Europe Deputy Secretary General Bjørn Berge has represented the Council of Europe in the annual meetings of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) on 16 and 17 November in Montréal, Canada. A number of reforms were discussed to address current global anti-doping challenges in sport. The first results of the WADA Human Rights Impact Assessment were presented and a new long-term strategy was discussed (WADA Strategic Plan 2025-2029).
The Deputy Secretary General emphasised the constructive cooperation between the Council of Europe and WADA and highlighted the Council of Europe's activities in the field of anti-doping and sport integrity, in particular the MARS network of judges and prosecutors responsible for sport and the Committee of Ministers declaration on sport integrity. He also called for the integration of the CM Recommendation 2022(14) on fair procedure in anti-doping proceedings into the World Anti-Doping Code and international standards.
The Deputy Secretary General held bilateral meetings with Witold Banka, President of WADA and Sandra Bergqvist, Minister of Youth, Sport and Physical Activity of Finland, a member of the WADA Foundation Board on behalf of the European Union.
The Deputy Secretary General attended the Executive Committee and participated, as a member representing European public authorities, in the meeting of the 42-member Foundation Board, which is WADA's highest decision-making body.