Campaspe Shire Council and Njernda Aboriginal Corporation will again join forces for a whole of community event to celebrate Australia's shared history, culture and achievements as part of National Reconciliation Week (27 May - 3 June).
Mayor Cr Adrian Weston said this year's theme is 'grounded in truth' and aims to generate conversation about relationships amongst races.
"The week provides an opportunity for Torres Strait Islanders, Aboriginals and the broader community to strengthen their relationships by continuing the conversation on historical truth telling and acceptance," Cr Weston said.
To foster positive race relations, community relationships must be grounded in a foundation of truth.
The event will be held on Monday, 27 May meeting at 10am at Njernda (84 Hare Street) for a community walk along Hare Street to the Aquatic Reserve. Once at the reserve, a flag raising ceremony will follow along with speeches.
"The event is an opportunity to acknowledge Australia's colonial history and heal historical wounds on a local basis," Cr Weston said.
Baroona Youth Healing Centre Manager Keith Hearn, is encouraging the community to participate in the walk after such a great turn out last year.
"We look forward to this iconic event on the community calendar where members of the public unite as one, building positive relationships by 'walking together with courage," Mr Hearn said.
"Truth telling is an important step in moving forward with a unified future based on understanding and respect," Mr Hearn said.