Wandin North Pavilion Gets Solar, Battery Upgrade

Yarra Ranges Shire Council


Yarra Ranges Council has installed a new solar and battery system at Wandin North Pavilion to enhance energy resilience, as part of the federally funded Preparing Australian Communities Grant.

The existing 7.7kW solar and 13.5kWh battery system has been expanded to a powerful 32.54kW solar and 120kWh battery system that strengthens the Pavilion's role as a critical community asset, particularly in times of emergency.

The Pavilion can now serve as a Community Emergency Hub, offering a reliable source of power during grid outages and the upgraded system ensures essential loads can be powered via battery backup and solar energy, with the added flexibility of a generator plug-in point if needed.

Beyond emergency resilience, the solar and battery expansion brings long-term financial and environmental benefits.

Tenant clubs, including the Wandin Football and Netball Club and Wandin Cricket Club, will see electricity cost savings of up to 40-50%, thanks to the additional renewable energy capacity.


Yarra Ranges Mayor, Jim Child welcomed the upgrade, highlighting the positive impact for the local community.

"This investment is a win-win for our community. Not only does it provide energy security during emergencies, but it also delivers significant cost savings and supports our transition to a more sustainable future," Cr Child said.

"By reducing reliance on the grid and cutting emissions, we're making our facilities more resilient and more affordable for local sports clubs."

"We know how vital our community facilities are, especially in times of crisis. This upgrade ensures Wandin North Pavilion remains a safe and functional space when it's needed most."

This project is part of the Preparing Australian Communities initiative and the Resilient Buildings Project, which focuses on installing solar panels, batteries, LED lighting, and generator plug-in points at key locations across the region.

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