Community-management of some facilities means we can harness amazing local skills and expertise says Eurobodalla Council's coordinator of recreation development Tina Smith.
Three Council facilities are run by community-based committees: the Moruya Showground, Kyla Park Community Hall and the Tuross Head Memorial Garden. Ms Smith says committee members organise, care for and manage the facilities.
"That includes finances, promotion, events, advice on maintenance and upgrades, and acting as a communication channel between users and Council," she says.
Anyone keen to get involved should attend the relevant upcoming public meeting:
- Moruya Showground (caretakers office) at 6pm on Monday 17 March
- Kyla Park Community Hall at 11.30am on Thursday 3 April
- Tuross Head Memorial Garden (meeting at the Country Club) at 2pm on Sunday 7 April.
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