Warialda Town Square - Project Update

Gwydir Shire Council

Council understands that there is unrest in the community regarding the demolition of the Old Warialda Bakery currently positioned on the new Warialda Town Square development site. Initially, Council had planned on retaining the building due to its historical significance. Ideas such as renovating the building to be used as public amenities, along with erecting fencing around the building and making it part of the landscaping were considered. Council recognises the importance of the building to the community and wanted to explore every opportunity to retain the structure. Unfortunately, following a thorough investigation, it was determined that the retention of the building was not a viable option.

This outcome was disappointing for Council as it is no longer possible to achieve the desired result for the community. The building has significant groundwater issues, so much so that there is a sump under the floor and a pump that discharges water into stormwater regularly. The water level under the building can be up to 60cms deep. Unfortunately, water has caused rising damp issues, which have rendered both parts of the building (old and new) structurally compromised.

Council engaged an external contractor independent of Council to prepare reports and assessments. The consultants concluded that the estimated cost to potentially stabilise the rear component of the building to be in the order of $300,000. This amount represents more than half of the entire Warialda Town Square project budget.

The report also noted, 'That even if stabilisation works were undertaken there is no guarantee that this would ensure the survival of the building. Based on experience, costs associated with older buildings can well be up to 300% of original estimates, even with competent due diligence. Accordingly, the demolition is considered to be the recommended approach'.

Approval to demolish the building was granted under Part 5 (of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 – as amended) Assessment.

This was not the direction Council wanted to take, however the economics of keeping the building are not a practical option. Council staff have met with a representative of the Warialda Historical Society and informed them of the determination and the reasons behind it.

To recognise the historical significance of the building, and the value that the community holds for it, Council intends to dismantle the old baker's oven at the rear of the building and reuse the bricks as a feature of the Warialda Town Square.

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