This was originally reported by the Operator, which lead to an unannounced DVSA maintenance investigation visit when the vehicle concerned was issued with an "S" mark prohibition.
The Vehicle Examiner found the wheel involved had not been correctly secured on it spigot and that was worn. It should be noted that the vehicle passed its annual test on 23 December 2022 and the wheel loss occurred on its first day back in service after the Christmas interval.
The Commissioner questioned the effective and continuous management of the licence by Mr Hoban as Transport Manager and found that Mr Hoban's repute as Transport Manager was tarnished, but not lost due to the steps he had taken to recognise his shortcomings and appoint a more effective Transport Manager for the licence.
Mr Evans said "I am satisfied the Operator has sufficiently strong measures in place for wheel security and that a recurrence is less likely. Action has also been taken to raise awareness with the maintenance provider of the standards expected, including arranging for a fitter to attend formal training."
The operator has also commissioned its own audit for June 2023 and the commissioner is reassured by the willingness to undertake to share a copy of that report with him.