The Warragul Leisure Centre's 50-metre outdoor pool will reopen on Monday 21 September for lap swimming and gentle exercise.
The pool will be opening six weeks earlier than usual to allow for local swimmers to get some time in the water after all aquatic facilities were closed due to Stage 3 COVID-19 Restrictions.
Baw Baw Shire Council and the YMCA have started to heat the pool so it will be a comfortable 28 degrees.
Up to 20 patrons can be in the pool at any time, with spectators and carers required to maintain social distancing and wear masks at all times.
A range of safety measures will be in place for all visitors, including temperature checks, bookings and social distancing measures.
The outdoor pool will open on weekdays from 6.00am to 10.00am and 4.00pm to 7.00pm and on Saturdays from 9.00am to 12.00pm.
Bookings will be required for all one-hour sessions and can be made online via the YMCA website or by calling the centre during opening hours on 5623 4017.
Casual sessions are $7.40 for adults and $5.90 for child/concession, with 10 visit passes and memberships available.
Baw Baw Shire's seasonal outdoor pools are scheduled to reopen on 1 December, with safety measures in place.
Council will continue to monitor the situation with regards to current restrictions and will keep the community updated.
As noted by Mayor Cr Danny Goss
"With the support of the YMCA, we've fast-tracked the reopening of the Warragul Leisure Centre outdoor pool to give our community more time in the water this spring while the indoor facilities remain closed. We look forward to welcoming back local swimming club members and visitors to the centre next week."