Police are seeking Rawiri Cave, 25, who has a warrant for his arrest.
He is wanted in relation to a number of incidents in Counties Manukau, including aggravated robbery and escapes custody.
Cave has long hair, usually worn in a top knot style, and has two Tā moko style tattoos on the back of his right calf and on his right forearm.
He is known to frequent Counties Manukau, Point Chevalier and Waterview areas.
Anyone with information about Cave is urged to contact Police via 105 online or the 105 phone reporting line, referencing file number 250107/1230.
/NZ Police Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional positions or sides, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s).View in full here.