Waste Education Outreach Week

Gunnedah Shire Council

17th March 2025

A series of waste education and composting workshops will be held from Monday 31 March to Wednesday 2 April in Gunnedah.

Anyone with questions about household waste or looking to upscale their recycling is encouraged to attend these free sessions.

Attendees will be able to check out a pop-up display and chat to waste educators between 10am and 2pm at Coles Shopping Centre, Gunnedah. Or join a composting and worm farming workshop at The Civic Theatre on Wednesday 2 April at 6.30pm.

"Sustainability is such an important focus for communities these days and this initiative is a fantastic opportunity for people to pick up some invaluable tips about household waste management and composting," said Gunnedah Shire council Manager Waste, Sheridan Cameron.

Spaces are limited for the workshop and registrations are essential. To register go to:


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