Watching Annual Whale Migration, top Holiday Pastime at Reflections Holiday Parks

Reflections Holiday Parks

Nothing stops a person in their tracks quicker than the playful sight of whales in the ocean with Reflections Holiday Parks along the coast reporting multiple daily sightings as they undergo their annual migration up the coast to warmer waters. Reflections Holiday Parks CEO Nick Baker said with more than 40,000 of these gentle giants travelling North along the delightfully named Humpback Highway, now is the perfect time to catch them in abundance. "Our guests book with us to enjoy nature-driven escapes and right now our coastal parks, which span from Eden in the South Coast right through to the Byron Region in the far North, are providing pretty much the greatest show on earth," Nick said. "Our parks are key vantage points for this show which delights our guests who return every year to enjoy a winter whale watching getaway. Our Nambucca Heads Manager pointed out the first whales of the season while I was there yesterday which was fantastic to see. "With the last long weekend coming up until October, there is still time to book a spot at one of our coastal parks, enjoy absolutely unrivalled panoramic ocean views and treat yourself to a 'whaley amazing' display which always leaves our guests and beachgoers awestruck."

Go NSW North Coast

  • Far North: Evans Head, Ballina, Shaws Bay, Lennox Head, Clarkes Beach, Terrace Reserve, Massy Greene, Ferry Reserve
  • Mid North: Jimmys Beach, Hawks Nest, Seal Rocks, Forster Beach, Tuncurry, North Haven, Bonny Hills, Scotts Head, Nambucca Heads, Hungry Head, Urunga, Mylestom, Coffs Harbour, Moonee Beach, Corindi Beach, Red Rock

Go NSW South Coast

  • Bermagui, Eden, Killalea Reserve

Reflections Nambucca Heads Manager Grant Squires said he was looking forward to return guests who come from throughout the New England and Northwest Regions to escape the cold and enjoy the whales with a wine or hot cocoa on our headland. "We've already started taking bookings now that the whales have made their appearance," Grant said. North Coast Operations Manager Jennifer Scott said it was exhilarating to see the whales during her weekly coastal park visits. "Our guests love them, and park staff have plenty of whale watching information on hand for those who want to get up close and personal," Jennifer said. "Whale sightings are prolific from now until the end of July as they travel North to Queensland and then again from September to October when they start travelling South." To book a Reflections Holiday Park experience and enjoy the whale migration, visit There are some great Winter deals on offer including, 20% off all cabins, $10 Tuesdays for 3-night stays across a Tuesday night and 15% off longer stays of 7 nights or more across powered and unpowered sites. Find the latest offers at #

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