We are seeking suggestions for new products for the Water Efficiency Labelling and Standards (WELS) scheme.
The scheme currently regulates:
- taps
- showers
- toilets
- urinals
- washing machines
- dishwashers
- flow controllers sold in Australia.
Adding more products to the scheme will give you more choices and save water at home.
This year, the WELS scheme is expected to save an estimated 178 gigalitres of water across Australia, equivalent to over 71,000 Olympic-size swimming pools full of water.
This works out to about 18 litres of water per person each day.
Saving water also means lower utility bills. Australians are expected to save over $1.7 billion on their water and energy bills this year, which is about $243 per four-person household.
The WELS label helps manufacturers and suppliers showcase their products water efficiency ratings.
Over 80% of Australians recognise the WELS label and use it when buying water-efficient products. Manufacturers benefit by using the WELS label to promote their products.