Waverley Council is working to secure the future of Bondi Bowling Club after the state government announced it was increasing the club's rent by 420%.
Costs are set to ramp up in Janaury, with the full amount scheduled to come into effect in January 2025.
Bondi Bowlo is a not-for-profit cooperative, run by a volunteer board of directors and employs nearly 20 full-time and casual staff members. It operates on Crown Land and the state government manages its lease.
Mayor of Waverley, Paula Masselos, said the Council was looking at ways it can help support the club which is a much-loved community facility that promotes active lifestyles and social cohesion.
Bowled over: Bondi Bowling Club in Warners Avenue, North Bondi, wants answers after being told its rent would increase by more than 400%.
According to the club, the Department of Planning and Environment said the rent hike was to help maintain fire trails across the state.
"Bondi Bowling Club is an egalitarian venue that welcomes all people. It offers access to a healthy and accessible sport in lawns bowls and other facilities including tennis courts and family friendly and affordable meals at their bistro," Mayor Masselos said.
"It is not a wealthy club, and its options for revenue gathering are limited – it does not have poker machines and there is only so much they can charge for a schnitzel or a schooner of beer.
"Other tenants on Crown land with commercial operations may have the ability to pay market rents, but our community bowlo is just not in a position to afford this."
On Friday, Mayor Masselos met with the Club's president, Matty Graham to discuss how Council could help support the club during this difficult period. On 13th October, prior to the Council meeting, Mayor Masselos wrote to the Minister for Lands and Property, the Hon Steven Kamper, seeking an urgent meeting.
Mr Graham said, "our organisational structure is built around community, we're not run to make profit, we just want to ensure we can continue to keep our doors open and provide a safe and fun place for neighbours and families to gather".
"Our club is set up solely to support our local community and foster participation in the sport of lawn bowls," Mr Graham said.
"We've worked tirelessly to reinvent ourselves as a club for the 21st century, and have managed to stay financially viable without the crutch of poker machines. However, we're at a loss as to how we can realistically meet these rent increases- there's no telling how much they'll be put up yet again in the future."
At the 17 October Council meeting, Council unanimously resolved to:
That Council:
1. Notes that the Mayor has written to the Minister for Lands and Property, the Hon Stephen
Kamper MP, requesting reconsideration of the over 400% increase in rent being imposed on
the Bondi Bowling Club by the Minns Government without consultation with the club or
community, and seeking a meeting.
2. Investigates options for Council to offer to take over the management of this parcel of
Crown land from the State Government, after consultation with the Bondi Bowling Club and
works with the club to see if Council could assist it raising funds by Council leasing the club
premises for events, with a report to be prepared to Council*.
For more about Bondi Bowling Club's offerings, or to become a social member, visit bondibowlo.com.