An ABC poll says that only 20% of the American public are very confident in the election process, according to a report by WCPO.
The report focused on election integrity training as a poll observer, which is now being offered by both parties.
An election observer "can't do anything...or get in anybody's way," but they are empowered to report what they think might be an irregularity at the voting stations, such as long lines or computer malfunctions. says UC's David Niven
Niven is an associate professor in UC's School of Public and International Affairs. His research focus is on political campaigns, gerrymandering, political communication and death penalty policy.
UC's School of Public and International Affairs was created out of the former Department of Political Science, which dates to 1914. Experts from the school are regularly cited in national and international media outlets.
With the midterms less than two months away, Ohio and KY citizens can volunteer to be poll workers or election observers, but other states have different processes, says Niven.
Featured image at top by Andrew Higley/UC Marketing + Creative.