Salvation Army's State of the Nation 2025 report highlights falling living standards, the highest unemployment rates since the 1990s and half of all Pacific children going without food. There are reports of hundreds if not thousands of people are applying for the same jobs in the wake of last year's public sector cuts. Shane Jones has signaled the party may endorse a major overhaul of the electricity market ahead of the next election.
Union coverage
- MPs debate Health NZ boss' early exit
- Ex-public servants still searching for work after last year's public sector cuts
- Yes Minister: Judith Collins talks tough to public service bosses
- 'They all got sacked' – PM scores own goal at Question Time
- Luxon needs to rein in Seymour over 'three ring circus' – Hipkins
- 'An absolute travesty': Salvation Army report paints grim picture of NZ's challenges
- Kāinga Ora to get firmer on rent payment arrears
- Locals fear a fast-tracked sand mining plan will turn Bream Bay's pristine beaches to mud
- Facebook owner Meta in 'early stages' of scam protection for NZ
- Shane Jones signals NZ First may break ranks with National on energy policy
Te Ao Māori
- Māoriland Film Festival to showcase more than 100 films from 86 Indigenous nations
- Fake rūnanga photo draws the ire of Ngāpuhi chairperson
- Frontier Economics to lead government's review of electricity markets
- Power regulator throws bones to consumers as Government advances broader review
- Hopes for sustainable aviation fuel industry to take off in New Zealand
- Confiscating devices leads to pricey privacy breach for employer
- NZ's challenge in a fast-changing Pacific
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