Kempsey Shire Council
Council will be spraying some of our cemeteries to get rid of those pesky broadleaf weeds like bindii's and clovers. This will take place between Monday 18 September and Friday 22 September inclusive, weather permitting.
Whilst the weed spraying is taking place, some areas of the cemeteries will be closed for a short period of time and we will have staff on site to ensure everything is kept safe. Once the chemicals dry, the areas will be reopened to the public.
Please note Council will work around any funeral bookings that have been booked during this time and spraying will be carried out in accordance with Council's Pesticide Notification Plan. The chemical being used is Stadium Turf Herbicide. Spraying locations will include
- East Kempsey Cemetery
- Frederickton Cemetery
- West Kempsey Cemetery
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