Weekly Update 28 March


The March Council Meeting was held earlier this week (26/03).

The video recording of the meeting can be viewed online at:




The Easter holidays are almost here! We've put together a big

program of events and activities for kids over the break from

Maryborough Library, Central Goldfields Art Gallery and our

Visitor Centre.

There's also a new Sports Equipment Library for skateboards,

scooters and safety gear, and the new StoryWalk in Phillips

Gardens to explore.

View the calendar at:



Our Finance team requests that if you are having trouble with

rates payments, to please contact them as soon as possible.

We understand that some individuals and businesses may

experience financial hardship on a short or long-term basis

and we are committed to supporting our community through

these times.

There are a range of supports available - to find out more

contact our Finance team on 5461 0681 or visit:



Council is developing an updated Flood and Drainage

Management Plan for Carisbrook.

This process will be supported by the Draft Study Advisory

Reference Group who will provide guidance, expertise and

stakeholder perspective.

At the March Council Meeting this week, Council endorsed the

Terms of Reference and appointed Tullaroop Ward Councillor

Anna de Villiers to the group.

Three community members - Martin Mackay, Aaron Beaton and

Giuliano Marcon - were also appointed following a public

expression of interest process.

/Public Release. This material from the originating organization/author(s) might be of the point-in-time nature, and edited for clarity, style and length. Mirage.News does not take institutional positions or sides, and all views, positions, and conclusions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s).View in full here.