- Professor Sarah Anyang Agbor (Cameroon) has joined the advisory board of the UNITAR Division for Prosperity.
- Professor Agbor has extensive expertise in education and training, especially in the African continent.
- She is Vice President of the Africa Board, Forum for African Women Educationalists, and outgoing African Union Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology.
- Her priority is to influence regional ecosystems of entrepreneurship, innovation and policymaking that allow youths, women and the marginalized to access quality education and training.
13 May 2022, Hiroshima, Japan - Professor Sarah Anyang Agbor has joined the advisory board of the UNITAR Division for Prosperity, bringing her expertise in education and training, especially within the African continent.
Professor Agbor, from Cameroon, currently serves as Vice President of the Africa Board, Forum for African Women Educationalists. She is the outgoing African Union Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology. Professor Anyang Agbor has over 20 years of experience in academia and is a professor of African and Commonwealth literature.
Previously, Professor Agbor was inspector of academic affairs at the Ministry of Higher Education, Cameroon, and deputy vice chancellor in charge of research, cooperation, and relations with the business world at the University of Bamenda, Cameroon. She was a Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence at the University of Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA, where she taught modern African drama and prose and created an African library for the school.
Professor Agbor has written several academic books, promotes research and development and inter-African cooperation on education and training, and encourages youth empowerment and participation in the integration of the continent. As the African Union Commissioner for Human Resources, Science and Technology, she sets up projects on technology, energy, and infrastructure in Africa, facilitates education for African youths, and coordinates African Union policies and programmes.
My experience and awareness of structural inequalities and their effects on socioeconomic ladders have shaped my vision and leadership. My priority is to influence regional ecosystems of entrepreneurship, innovation and policymaking that strengthen the capabilities of individuals - particularly youths, women and the marginalized - to access quality education and training and thereby livelihoods to support themselves, their families and communities.
The Division for Prosperity welcomes Professor Agbor and looks forward to benefiting from her insights and extensive experience.
UNITAR Division for Prosperity seeks to shape an inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous world. In Africa, we have been building local capacity in digital skills, entrepreneurship, finance and trade, with a special focus on young people and women. Our learners are from the Horn of Africa and the Sahel region, as well as Kenya and South Sudan.