Welcoming Wombat Ward At LGH

Guy Barnett, Minister for Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing

The children's ward at the Launceston General Hospital has been officially renamed as the Wombat Ward, with staff and patients welcoming the new name and imagery.

Minister for Health, Mental Health and Wellbeing, Guy Barnett, said the Tasmanian Government is committed to providing safe, positive and welcoming spaces for children receiving treatment and their families or carers.

"Caring for our young patients is a significant priority for the Tasmanian Government and to help improve their hospital experience, staff now have wombat-themed scrubs to wear and toys to give," Minister Barnett said.

"Renaming the paediatric ward at the Launceston General Hospital forms part of our ongoing commitment with the Department of Health to improve and strengthen child safety and wellbeing across our hospitals and health settings.

"As part of the Commission of Inquiry recommendations, the Department is ensuring consistent and age-appropriate information relating to child safety, patient rights and complaints processes are being provided to patients, in formats that meet community needs.

"The renaming process was a collaborative effort between staff, health leaders and, most importantly, children and young people who have accessed paediatric services and participated in workshops to share their ideas and experiences.

"The invaluable input of these children and young people has been presented in a book called My Say, Our Voices to inform health leaders to consider practical ways to strengthen their services such as making the clinical environment more engaging and prioritising opportunities to give children a voice in their medical treatment.

"Thanks to all staff, leaders and children and young people who have been a valuable part of the process of naming the Wombat Ward, and for their continued support in strengthening our health services for young Tasmanians.

"Our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania's Future is about delivering the best possible healthcare for Tasmanians – and even small changes such as this can ensure we achieve these goals."

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