Wellington Shire Council is excited to announce the launch of Future Wellington - designed to shape the future of Wellington Shire and its communities.

Future Wellington will guide the long-term planning and review of five essential documents that will steer Council's direction and decision-making towards 2050. These documents include the:
- Community Vision - led by the local community and guiding the long-term vision, planning, decision-making and expectations for Wellington Shire
- Council Plan - detailing the projects and priorities aligned with the Community Vision
- Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan - outlining the community outcomes and health priorities for the next four years
- 10 year Asset Plan - providing an overview of how we manage each council asset, including details on current performance, maintenance, renewal, upgrade plans, and end of life.
- 10 year Financial Plan - forecasting Council's financial position for the next ten years
To ensure they align with the community's aspirations, needs, and priorities for the future, all five documents will be reviewed together. In accordance with the Local Government Act 2020, they are set to be adopted by 31 October 2025. Feedback and data gathered through the consultation process will lay the foundation for the next elected Councillors to set Council's strategic direction after the Local Government elections held in October 2024.
A key part of Future Wellington will be the requirement of a transparent and deliberative community engagement process. Understanding if Council's current focus areas of Environment, Economy, Liveability and Services are still appropriate, or whether the community's needs have changed over the last four years will be the starting point.
Commencing in July 2024, Council will launch an online survey via Your Wellington Your Say to capture the current thoughts from Wellington residents. The survey will focus on revisiting the current Community Vision 2031 and 'planning for what's next' for the new Council Plan 2025-2029.
In the coming months and throughout 2025, residents will have the opportunity to engage more broadly with Future Wellington. This engagement will feature a variety of activities, including a face-to-face community roadshow, online workshops, survey, contribution through a postcard available at local businesses and community spaces, photo competition, and more.
In response to the launch of Future Wellington, Wellington Shire Council Mayor, Cr Ian Bye highlighted that the success of Wellington's new Community Vision depended heavily on the participation and insights of local people.
"We are committed to an open engagement process that reaches every corner of our shire. Whether you're a lifelong resident, a recent arrival, a student, or a business owner, your voice is crucial for Future Wellington and now is the time to have your say".
"Our Community Vision is more than a plan-it's our commitment to future generations, promising a sustainable and successful future for our shire and I can assure you that your feedback will directly shape this future".
"Exciting times lie ahead for Future Wellington, and we invite you to be a part of it" Cr Bye concluded.
How to Get Involved:
Commencing July 2024, residents will be invited to complete an online survey via Your Wellington Your Say at https://your.wellington.vic.gov.au/futurewellington - alternatively, by filling out a Future Wellington postcard - a quick and easy way to share your ideas about the future. Postcards will be available at Council Customer Service Centres in Sale and Yarram, Wellington Shire Libraries and at participating businesses and community spaces throughout the Shire.