Wellington Wellness Map

Get active close to home

We've put together a list of tracks and trails close to town centres to encourage you to spend some time in the spring sunshine and explore your own backyard, with help from The Middle of Everywhere.

We hope that this curated list will help you exercise and explore within your permitted five kilometre limit during this latest lockdown.

The list below includes wetlands, arts and beach trails, and all are within easy reach of our main towns.

It was collated by staff from our Visitor Information Centre team, and you can visit The Middle of Everywhere website or download the free app to find even more inspiration and new things to explore nearby while exercising.

This initiative follows a recent wellness check-in video produced by Council staff who showed how they were getting through the latest lockdown. You can watch the video below.

Tracks and trails to explore

Use the handy links below to explore more about the tracks and trails in your town:







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