Wentworth Sewer Rehabilitation - Asset Inspection

Wentworth Shire

Wentworth Shire Council advises residents that contractor Insituform will be undertaking an asset inspection of the sewer network in Wentworth township. This inspection will focus on the old clay sewer pipes and access pits, dating back to the 1940s. The inspection will not include the eastern portion of Wentworth township.

Works will commence on Monday 31 March 2025 and continue through to Thursday 17 April 2025. Inspections will take place between 7:00am and 5:00pm, with no work expected on weekends.

To facilitate the inspections, brief roadwork diversions may be in place for some roads and laneways. Access to some backyards will also be required for properties with sewer mains located on private land. Residents requiring property access will receive notification via letter drops and additional contact.

Wentworth Shire Council apologises for any inconvenience caused while this important work is carried out.

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