Wentworth Showgrounds Sewer Upgrade

Wentworth Shire

With support from the Crown Reserve Improvement Fund's Showgrounds Stimulus Program Council is undertaking works at the Wentworth Showgrounds to replace multiple septic systems with a combination of gravity and pressure sewage network to cater for the rise in usage of the facilities.

These works include:

  • Installation of a gravity sewer system;
  • Installation of a central Sewer Pump Station to connect to the existing rising main;
  • Decommissioning of old septic tank systems throughout the Showgrounds and connecting plumbing to the network.

Council engaged the services of MH2 Engineering & Architectural Services for the design with works undertaken by Waters Excavations PTY LTD.

Construction commenced on 16 November and is well underway with just over 100 metres of pipe and 5 Ezipits installed so far.

The project concludes in early February with the installation of the sewer pump station, electrical switchboard, testing and commissioning.

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