West Arnhem Child Abuse Arrest

The Northern Territory Police Force has arrested a 55-year-old male in relation to child abuse offences in a community in the West Arnhem Region.

Child Abuse Taskforce Detectives conducted a thorough investigation in a remote community, resulting in a 55-year-old male being arrested and charged with following offences:

  • 3 x Engage in conduct to procure a child - under 14 years of age
  • 1 x Expose indecent act - child under 14 years of age and
  • 1x Fail to comply with reporting conditions

Detective Senior Sergeant Toby Wilson said, "We commend the brave actions of the children involved who approached a responsible adult and sought safety, reporting what had occurred.

"This is a timely reminder to talk with your children about always speaking to adults when they don't feel safe.

"The male has been remanded in custody, to appear at Darwin local Court on Friday 14 March 2014."

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