WA Health is reporting a total of 645 new cases to 8pm last night. Of these, 643 are local cases, and 2 travel related.
Today's figures bring the State's total number of active COVID-19 cases to 1787.
Today's cases include 174 self-reported positive RATs.
Total current hospitalisations 5; there is no case in ICU*
WA has recorded 4452 cases since the COVID-19 pandemic began.
To date, 2,655 people have recovered from the virus.
Testing advice and exposure sites
Anyone in WA, including Perth and all regional areas experiencing symptoms should get tested immediately and isolate until they receive a negative result. This applies to anyone symptomatic – even if you have not visited a listed exposure site.
A full list of testing clinics and opening hours is available on HealthyWA website.
WA Health's contact tracing team continues to identify high risk exposure sites linked to new cases. Please continue to regularly check the HealthyWA website for updated or new exposure sites.
People who receive a text message from WA Health advising they have attended an exposure site must follow the instructions, even if the site is not listed on HealthyWA.
Testing figures
11,157 people received PCR tests at either state-run or private pathology clinics yesterday.
Yesterday, 1,828,710 scans were recorded on the SafeWA.
COVID-19 vaccinations
There were 20,125 vaccines administered yesterday at state and private clinics.
Demand for vaccinations and third doses is increasing. To spread the demand across clinic operating hours and to avoid excessive wait times, people are encouraged to make a booking via Vaccinate WA.
For the latest WA vaccination figures, visit the COVID-19 Coronavirus: Vaccination dashboard (external site)**. For the latest Commonwealth data visit the Vaccination Numbers and Statistics website.
Border controls
Information about Western Australia's controlled border arrangements, conditions of entry and quarantine is available online.
To date, 782 cases of variant strains have been detected in Western Australia – including 575 Omicron strain, 53 Alpha strain, 15 Beta strain, one Gamma strain and 138 Delta strain.
Visit WA Health's HealthyWA website for the latest information on COVID-19.
*WA Health will provide a total number of patients with COVID-19 in hospital as of 8pm each day, this aligns with the 24-hour reporting cycle.
**A vaccine dashboard data interpretation guide (external site) is also available to help you.