Two projects led by Western Sydney University researchers have been collectively awarded more than $1.3 million through the National Health and Medical Research Council's (NHMRC) Investigator Grants scheme.
The Investigator Grant scheme plays a critical role in supporting the Australian health and medical research sector through advancing knowledge about human health, better health care for Australians and improvements to the economy.
Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Research, Enterprise and Global) Professor Deborah Sweeney congratulated all involved in this funding success.
"This funding success reflects Western's place as a world leading research-intensive university, delivering impact through excellence. These projects – both led by Early and Mid-Career Researchers ( EMCRs) – are also both exceptional examples of the research we do; ambitious, guided by the needs of our community and focused on translatable solutions set to make life changing impacts," said Professor Sweeney.
Dr Sarah Kennedy from the School of Health Science secured $688,405 to lead the project, 'Developing muscle-strengthening activity competency in youth: Supporting community health through enhancing knowledge, skills, and behaviour.' The project will utilise the strong evidence-base for MSA implementation within schools and elite sport, to generate new evidence to inform MSA resources, training and implementation in community grassroots sport. This will provide the next generation of young people with the knowledge, skills and confidence to be stronger, more competent movers - able to tackle the current physical inactivity crisis.
Dr Rosalie Power from the Translational Health Research Institute (THRI), secured $688,405 to lead the project, 'Transforming Sexual Health through co-design with LGBTQ+ People with Intellectual Disability'. The project focuses on the vital issue of access to sexual healthcare – including accurate, evidence-based information free from stigma and discrimination – for people with intellectual disability who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer (LGBTQ+) and who face intersecting, compounding disadvantages and inequities resulting in their sexual health being overlooked in research, policy, and practice. To address this urgent health priority, in collaboration with LGBTQ+ people with intellectual disability and other key stakeholders, this research program will establish a comprehensive and multi-faceted knowledge base of the sexual health and healthcare needs of LGBTQ+ people with intellectual disability, using arts-based qualitative methods; Address sexual health literacy and healthcare and support needs through translating the findings into actionable practice guidelines and accessible sexual health information resources for LGBTQ+ people with intellectual disability.