More than $16.8 million in State Government funding will deliver four exciting community projects that will bring long-lasting benefits to the community.
The $16.867 million in WestInvest funding will enable Council to deliver on the Masterplans for Woodbury Reserve at Glossodia (image 1) and Fernadell Park at Pitt Town (image 2). These two important reserves will be transformed into spaces with a variety of passive and active recreational opportunities that can be enjoyed by the whole community.
The funding will also enable the construction of the 1.7km Kurrajong to Kurmond Cycleway Project – an off-road cycling and walking path following the Bells Line of Road. It will expand upon the existing off-road cycleway from North Richmond, which currently terminates at Kurmond.
Council's Wayfinding and Signage Project will also be rolled out. This project seeks to replace and upgrade wayfinding signage across the city to support ease of navigation, highlight important locations and share important stories. This will be a huge benefit to both residents and visitors to the Hawkesbury and critical as the community rebuilds after successive natural disasters.
Hawkesbury City Mayor Sarah McMahon said these four projects would be transformational legacy projects that will deliver benefits to the community for many years to come.
"This funding will deliver a huge boost to the delivery of projects that cement the Hawkesbury as a great place to visit, live and play," Mayor McMahon said.
"We have been talking to the community about these projects for a few years now, and I know that there is a lot of excitement and anticipation in the Hawkesbury to see these parks, paths and signs delivered.
"Council staff have already put a lot of work to get these projects ready for delivery. These are not just ideas that will be delivered many years down the track – these will be delivered in this term of Council.
"I can't wait to see these projects open, to see families enjoying the new playgrounds and sporting fields, to see walkers and cyclists traveling between Kurmond and Kurrajong, and watch as residents and tourists alike discover our beautiful Hawkesbury with its history and natural beauty."
Hawkesbury State MP Robyn Preston said these four projects would be exciting additions to the Hawkesbury.
"WestInvest is a $5 billion package spread among 15 local government areas and I'm really pleased to say the Hawkesbury has received almost $17 million in funding," she said.
"It is a great opportunity for the State Government and Council to work together for the benefit of the community."
This WestInvest funding is exclusively for the delivery of the four agreed projects and cannot be used for any other purposes, including road recovery and flood repairs, which are being funded through Federal and State infrastructure recovery programs.
Woodbury Reserve, Glossodia ($5.423 million)
Woodbury Reserve in Glossodia will receive a significant upgrade in line with the Masterplan, which was adopted earlier this year following extensive community consultation.
The reserve is already a much-loved passive and active recreation space and these works will provide greater opportunities for the entire community to enjoy.
The upgrade includes:
- New playground,
- New multi-purpose courts
- New amenities building
- Improved and additional parking within the site