Complementary therapies, such as massage, can play a helpful role alongside conventional medical treatments for people with a cancer diagnosis. While massage does not treat the cancer itself, it may help reduce treatment side effects and improve quality of life.
Symptom relief from treatment
Cancer treatments can cause side effects such as muscle stiffness, fatigue and nausea. Scientific studies have examined the effects of massage on people undergoing treatments like chemotherapy and surgery. These studies have shown that massage may reduce:
- Pain
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Improving quality of life and general wellbeing
Individuals who have had massages during cancer treatments have reported a range of positive outcomes such as improvements in:
- Sleep
- The health of the scar tissue
- Quality of life
- Mental clarity and alertness
- Range of movement
- Reducing stress, anxiety and depression
In addition to enhancing wellbeing, some cancer patients say that massage can:
- Make them feel whole again
- Help them to relax
- Help them share feelings in an informal setting
- Make them feel more positive about their body
- Rebuild hope
- Reducing symptoms of lymphoedema
Certain types of massage can help reduce the symptoms of lymphoedema (swelling caused by a build-up of lymph fluid). This is called manual lymphatic drainage.
Consider seeing a trained lymphoedema therapist for massage therapy. Therapists who are not trained in treating lymphoedema should avoid the affected area. To find an accredited lymphoedema massage therapist near you, visit the Australasian Lymphology Association.
Considerations during and after cancer treatment
Light, relaxing massage can safely be given to people at all stages of cancer. However, certain precautions should be taken to ensure safety and comfort, particularly if you are currently undergoing treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery recover. Some considerations include:
- Avoid massaging tumour or treatment sites to prevent discomfort or pressure on the affected area and underlying organs.
- Chemotherapy can increase the risk of bruising or bleeding, so massages should be avoided if you experience these side effects.
- Avoid massage around a chemotherapy port to prevent irritation.
- Radiation therapy can make the skin sensitive to touch, and massage oils may worsen irritation. Your treatment team will recommended what can or cannot be used on your skin during treatment.
- After surgery, avoid massaging surgical areas until the wounds have healed. Ask your surgeon when you can start scar massage after surgery.
Finding a massage therapist
It is recommended that you choose a therapist who is a member of a professional massage association to ensure they have received adequate training in massage.
Some massage therapists have completed specialist training in oncology massage, which focuses on the unique needs of cancer patients.
To find a local oncology massage therapist visit the Oncology Massage Training website and enter your postcode in the 'Find Your Nearest Therapist' box.
We also offer free complementary therapies, including massage, to West Australians impacted by cancer. To find out if there is a complementary therapy available near you please contact our 13 11 20 Cancer Information and Support Line.