What's Changing At Slim Dusty Centre?

Kempsey Shire Council

The Slim Dusty Centre has continued to diversify and expand its role as a cultural and community hub since coming under Council's ownership in 2022.

The centre has successfully hosted a variety of community and business events, increased visitation to the gallery and museum and earned the 2024 Macleay Valley Business Chamber Award for Outstanding Visitor Experience.

Additionally, the centre has also achieved Regional Gallery Status, reinforcing its cultural significance and meeting the community expectations for increased arts and culture facilities in the shire.

Improvements in operational efficiency and visitor experience have been supported by installation of outdoor shade sails, solar panels and electric vehicle charging stations.

By mid-2025 the next phase of its refurbishment will be complete, which is partially funded from the NSW Government's Creative Capital program.

The Slim Dusty Centre was one of 60 recipients across the state sharing more than $6 million to support the development of new and upgraded cultural infrastructure and equipment for museums, theatres, performance spaces, galleries and Aboriginal Keeping Places.

Part of this project is reconfiguring space previously used for storage, which will result in:

  • a larger performance space to support performances, school events and activities
  • an additional fit-for-purpose performance and event space
  • an Art Lab space for artists and performers professional development/art workshops/residencies

The project will also include upgrades to AV equipment and other event equipment to support touring performances, as well as improving fire safety and building compliance.

These changes are set to attract more venue hires, small scale exhibitions and events, expanding the cultural opportunities in the area.

Council has also announced exciting plans for the centre's café and catering services. The local not-for-profit organisation, Key Community Group will take over management, bringing their expertise and community-driven mission to the centre.

The Key Café will not only be a warm and inclusive dining destination but will also create meaningful employment and training opportunities for people with disabilities, helping them build skills and confidence in a supportive environment.

The Slim Dusty Centre is set to become an even more vibrant and inclusive space for visitors and locals to experience culture and creativity.

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