WHO Unveils Updated HIV Service Delivery Guidance

WHO is convening a Guideline Development Group (GDG) for the development of updated recommendations on adherence support interventions for people living with HIV receiving antiretroviral therapy, and integration of diabetes, hypertension and mental health services with HIV services. This guidance will focus on individual and public health benefits.

GDG members will contribute to the review of systematic reviews, evidence summaries, and formulation of recommendations. They will participate in the GDG meeting, which will be held virtually from 8 - 10 April 2025.

Following WHO guidance for guideline development, the GDG will be composed of members from all WHO regions acting in their individual capacity rather than as representatives of affiliated organizations. GDG members were selected by WHO technical staff based on their technical expertise, their role as end-users (e.g., programme managers and health-care providers), and their representation of affected communities. GDG members are not commissioned and do not receive any financial compensation.

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