Wiley, Alchemie Team Up for Digital Upgrade of Knewton Alta Courseware

Hoboken, NJ-A new agreement will bring visual interactive elements to Wiley's Knewton Alta courseware to help improve learning for college chemistry students.

Wiley (NYSE: WLY), one of the world's largest publishers and a global leader in research and learning, has partnered with Alchemie, a digital learning tools creator, to integrate Alchemie's visual interactives into the Knewton Alta Principles of General Chemistry course.

Alchemie's digital interactive learning tools are designed to increase student success in STEM courses by focusing on hands-on exploratory learning to engage students, providing immediate feedback and real-time assessment as students learn. The interactives help students better visualize complex scientific concepts and deliver immediate feedback on their progress, helping them gain deeper connections needed for long-lasting learning.

Alta Principles of General Chemistry is an introductory college chemistry course covering topics such as atoms, molecules and ions, substances and solutions, kinetics, and electrochemistry.

Alchemie's visual interactives will be seamlessly integrated into the Alta chemistry course starting in the fall. The partnership will expand to additional Wiley products in the future.

"There's great alignment with Alchemie's learning tools and the Knewton Alta platform - both are driven by building pathways for understanding by following specific learning objectives," said Julia Winter, CEO and founder of Alchemie. "What sets our tools apart is that they can be tailored for each learning objective to to provide a dynamic and engaging learning experience, and they are directly accessible to all students, including those who are blind or have low vision."

"We are excited about this new partnership with Alchemie and the ways it will enhance our introductory chemistry course and potentially beyond," said Lyssa Vanderbeek, Wiley group vice president for Courseware. "We were particularly impressed with the accessibility of Alchemie's tools, which is so important in reaching all students. These interactives will provide direct benefits to students who use our courseware, helping build STEM skills and improve long-term learning."

About Alchemie

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