Campaspe Shire Council has endorsed a funding application to progress redevelopment of the Wilf Cox Pavilion in Kyabram.
At its March meeting, Council endorsed the Wilf Cox Pavilion Kyabram application for the Regional Communities Sports Infrastructure Fund (RCSIF) that if successful, will provide upgrades to the existing facilities already in place.
Campaspe Shire Mayor, Cr Rob Amos said the redevelopment of the facility will provide female friendly change facilities, netball change facilities and improve accessibility supporting local sport in the region and community use.
"We're applying for $1,000,000 through the Regional Communities Sports Infrastructure Fund. This project is really important to the community and Council, so we've decided to endorse a commitment of $2,200,000 co-contribution of Council funds as well.
"This will assist the redevelopment of the Wilf Cox Pavilion in Kyabram, pending a successful grant application.