Will Pope Confess to These Lies?

Norma Holt
A woman, who painted Constantine is 666 on Parliament House, Canberra, says the Pope must confess these lies. Norma Holt states that his archives tell a horror story of misinformation, and invention of which he must be aware as they affect a third of the world's population, while his Church rakes in millions from them.
Norma Holt claims that the Vatican, Constantine's parliament of bishops, doctored evidence in support of his actions and ordered the New Testament by Jerome, late 4th CAD. She also claims that it used torture and murder to cover up and promote its lies, such as a virgin birth, and that it formed the Muslim Branch (archives) in early 5th CAD/

Norma states that her academic research into the origin of religions provided evidence that they are primarily based on the sun, the Mother God in antiquity. She claims the sun was called Mary in Babylon, the Capital city of the Amor, who later built Roma (reverse Amor) and that Constantine was a descendant of that culture. She further claims that when he established the Catholic religion he made Mary the Mother of God.

Norma states that in the Assyrian alphabet his name and number, Constant II (his father was Constant 1),adds to 666, a puzzle not easily solved.

Norma also claims that her research in archaeology, linguistics, anthropology, and philosophy, helped her establis the migration of religions globally and that the crucifixion of god-men was common. She states that it was practiced in Rome whereby men were captured on the Ides (15th March) were treated as gods before their crucifixion on 22nd March (Equiox) to resurrect on 25th March to marry Mary. Norma claims this time of fertility time was known as the Eye Star, (Easter) which Constantine moved to the Vernal Moon and abolished the practice of crucifixion and hid its origin. While for inh
Norma states that her inspiration is from her memory of reincarnation (an event recalled by many) and knowledge that there is no heaven and hell, devils, angels, or saints. She notes these inventions invoke fear and expectations to drive people into congregations and forcing them to give money to support it. She also claims the Vatican outlawed reincarnation in the 5th CAD to maintain its lies and that she know the real God is the Spirit of the Universe, which controls everything and which religion buries.

Norma claims her research uncovered horrendous torture and suffering the Vatican inflicted on those with such recall and who opposed its laws and false doctrines. By covering up these lies an allowing them to stand the Pope is complicit in them, and according to his doctrines he will burn in hell if he does not confess them.

Norma Holt

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