Willoughby Council Reveals Forum Changes

Willoughby City

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Willoughby City Council is trialling changes to its Public and Open Forums, in a bid to encourage higher rates of community participation and to enhance transparency and governance.

Now set to take place one week prior to Council Meetings, the forums will allow the Mayor and Councillors more time to adequately consider public feedback and sentiment before the decision-making process occurs.

Residents can register to speak on a matter up to two business days prior to a scheduled Public and Open Forum, with attendees able to join the meeting in person or online.

Designed to align with current best practices for public participation in Local Government, the new format will be introduced as a six-month trial, from March to August 2025.

Mayor Tanya Taylor welcomed the change, highlighting its benefits for residents and Council's commitment to fostering participation and better governance:

"We want our community to be heard, and this new approach gives residents more opportunity to have their voices considered before important decisions are made. "By moving our Public and Open Forums to a week before Council meetings, we are creating a more considered process that ensures feedback shapes the decisions we make. I'm hopeful that these changes will see more participation and better decision making."

The first Public and Open Forum to take place in the new format will be held on Monday 17 March, 6pm – 7pm at Willoughby City Council Chambers, 31 Victor Street, Chatswood.

Registrations to speak at this forum will close at noon on Friday 14 March 2025.

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