After reviewing future library services, Horsham Rural City Council and West Wimmera Shire Council have informed the Wimmera Regional Library Corporation that they will be withdrawing from their regional library services.
At the WRLC Board meeting held on Friday 26 August, the Board received correspondence from Horsham and West Wimmera Councils announcing their intention to withdraw their library services provided by WRLC, effective as of 30 June 2023.
As of 1 July 2023, HRCC will assume direct management of library services and a five-year service level agreement, with an extension option of three years, will be entered into with West Wimmera Shire Council. The service level agreement is to be based on the library corporation's current funding and service agreement.
Current library services will be maintained by the WRLC until HRCC takes over on 1 July 2023, after this HRCC intends to transfer the current Wimmera Regional Library employees to council. By transferring the library employees to HRCC, this will provide a flexible workforce that can work at both Horsham and West Wimmera libraries as well as ensuring a continuation of joint use operations, events and programs throughout all the library branches.
Moving library services to HRCC will create greater synergies with other Council departments. Having access to specialised council employees and resources available in a larger organisation allows library employees to concentrate on providing high quality library services.
Library employees will be able to work internally with other council departments to promote, engage and activate new and exciting projects within the library spaces. Creating new programs and events such as promotion of tourism and business development programs, as well as creating supplementary library events with Horsham Town Hall.
Strategic longevity of library services can be incorporated into HRCC plans and reports. This would include defining community activation and interaction in the library spaces with library employees and other council services, leading to the provision of new and relevant services that will increase library participation. This will generate a greater overall service delivery for the community and improvement in overall service performance through effective use of council resources.
Over the next nine months, the Wimmera Regional Library CEO will work with HRCC to ensure a smooth transition of library services. It is anticipated that there will be minimal disruption to communities and library patrons in using their library services.