We are delighted to announce the winners of the 2020 Nanotechnology Young Researcher Award which recognises early career brilliance and is open to PhD students and researchers within the first five years of completing their PhD.
Over 80 excellent nominations were received which were considered by considered by the Editorial Board of Nanotechnology with an overall winner and two runners-up selected:
Overall winner:
Xiaolong Liu
Xiaolong Liu - Kavli Postdoctoral Fellow at Cornell University
In recognition of his outstanding contributions on the synthesis and characterisation of emerging 2D materials such as borophene.
Xiaolong had this to say upon winning this award: "I am extremely honored to receive the Nanotechnology Young Researcher Award from IOP Publishing. This award represents a recognition of my past research efforts towards understanding and engineering the materials properties of borophene polymorphs and heterostructures at the atomic scale. This would not have been possible without the support from Prof. Mark Hersam and collaborative work with many brilliant colleagues in graduate school. I also would like to thank IOP Publishing for supporting and promoting early career researchers like me."
Zakaria Y Al Balushi
Zakaria Y Al Balushi - SK Hynix Assistant Professor in Materials Science and Engineering at University of California, Berkeley and Faculty Scientist at the Materials Sciences Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Labs.
For his contributions on electronic and photonic materials synthesis, including the growth and stabilization of a new allotrope of compound semiconductor (2D GaN).
Elham Fadaly
Elham Fadaly - PhD Fellow in Applied Physics at Eindhoven University of Technology in the Netherlands.
For her important breakthrough in semiconductor technology, including the high quality hexagonal SiGe which exhibits efficient light emission up to room temperature.
Elham recently spoke to Physics World about her breakthrough in one of their Weekly podcasts. Click here to listen.
About Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology is published by IOP Publishing. It publishes original research at the forefront of nanoscale science and technology across all disciplines. The journal's scope encompasses the study of both fundamental phenomena at the nanoscale and applications of these phenomena. 'Nanotechnology' is taken to include the ability to individually address, control, and modify structures, materials and devices with nanometre precision, and the synthesis of such structures into systems of micro- and macroscopic dimensions such as MEMS based devices.