Winnipeg Boosts Funding for Child Sexual Abuse Victims

Department of Justice Canada

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Sexual abuse of children is a heinous crime, with far-reaching repercussions for victims, survivors, their families, their communities, and society. By working with partners to provide specialized services for victims, we foster a better understanding of victims' needs and support healing.

Today, the Honourable Arif Virani, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, along with Ben Carr, Member of Parliament for Winnipeg South Centre, announced $624,450 in project funding to Heartwood Healing Centre to improve services for victims of childhood sexual abuse in Winnipeg.

This funding supports the continuation and enhancement of Heartwood Healing Centre's Connect & Thrive Program. This project provides alternative services to survivors of childhood sexual abuse such as peer support and mentorship and cultural activities, such as healing circles for Indigenous participants, and educating staff to better address the unique needs of Indigenous people. These enhancements are based on knowledge gained from a Justice Canada supported four-year pilot project.

Justice Canada is providing $624,450 in funding for this project over three fiscal years (2024-2027) through the Victims Fund. Justice Canada previously provided $457,130 in funding over four fiscal years (2020-2024) to develop and pilot the program, for a total of $1,081,580.

The Victims Fund provides funding to support projects and activities that aim to develop new approaches, facilitate access to justice, improve the capacity of service providers, foster the establishment of referral networks and increase awareness of services available to victims of crime and their families.

Heartwood Healing Centre is a non-profit organization that facilitates the healing journey of people who have experienced childhood sexual abuse and increases society's understanding of this form of trauma. They are the only organization in Manitoba whose mission is exclusively dedicated to supporting youth and adults (16+) who have experienced childhood sexual abuse.

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