Woman Charged, $140K Stolen Property Recovered

Detectives from South East Criminal Investigation Branch recently recovered approximately $140,000 worth of allegedly stolen property following two searches in Warrane and Mornington.

Sergeant Jamie Hart said, "Police investigations commenced after detailed information was received through Crime Stoppers Tasmania."

"A significant amount of the recovered property has been linked to burglaries and shoplifting incidents reported in the greater Hobart area."

Police have charged a 31-year-old woman from Warrane with being in possession of stolen property. She was bailed to appear before the Hobart Magistrates Court on 16 June.

"This is the perfect example of how detailed information provided anonymously to Crime Stoppers Tasmania can result in the recovery of stolen property and offenders being charged."

"Crime Stoppers don't need your personal details, just the information you have to report for police to investigate."

Information can be provided to Crime Stoppers Tasmania via crimestopperstas.com.au or on 1800 333 000. Anyone with information in relation to persons receiving stolen property are encouraged to contact Crimestoppers or contact police.

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