Women Transform Castlemaine Climate

Future Resilience Events

Friday 28 March - Sunday 30 March 2025 Castlemaine, Victoria

The stage is set for 'Women Changing the Climate' – an unparalleled gathering of visionary women leaders, changemakers, and advocates, in all diversity, from across the country who will gather in regional Victoria at the iconic Castlemaine Town Hall next weekend.

Women in Australia and internationally, are increasingly frustrated by the lack of collective, ambitious action to avert climate disaster and are increasingly mobilising to drive climate action. The Women's Climate Congress, founded during the Black Summer bushfires and 2019-20, is one of the Australian women's organisations leading this collective action.

"Women have been fitting into systems based on historically patriarchal norms and it is time for us to find our own agency and voice," said WCC Founder Dr Janet Salisbury.

"Being part of the Women's Climate Congress, or the women's movement more broadly, provides a framework for building our collective thinking, to increase our database of feminist thought, to build solidarity and inform political advocacy and other decision making.

"This is why we have called women from across the country to our Victorian Congress 2025", Dr Salisbury says. "This event is a beacon for women, in all diversity, and women's organisations committed to driving meaningful action for climate sustainability, women's leadership and community empowerment."

With themes of 'Building women's empowerment in the climate crisis' and 'Challenging the status quo', the event offers a unique platform for collaboration, learning, and actions to promote gender-balanced, united and ambitious climate action planning for Australia, women-led advocacy influencing the upcoming federal election, and significantly increased women and First Nations leadership and agency in UNFCCC COP negotiations, building towards a potential Australian-Pacific UNFCCC COP31 Presidency in 2026.

The Congress program features a dynamic program of keynotes, workshops, and panel discussions that delve into the critical climate issues facing Australia and beyond.

Speakers include women leaders of organisations representing First Nations women, rural women, young women and non-binary young people, women living with disabilities, older women, human rights and academic feminists, women working in the international aid sector, community leaders, politicians and more.

"We are thrilled to bring together such a diverse array of voices and expertise," said Margaret de Kam, Event Organiser. "The Victorian Congress 2025 is not just an event – it's a call to action. Together, we will reimagine and co-create a future that prioritises people and planet."

About the Victorian Congress:

The Victorian Congress is a national initiative of the Women's Climate Congress (WCC), a national, nonpartisan network of women who cannot stay silent while the unfolding climate emergency threatens the future of our children and all life on Earth. WCC promotes gender equality, women's leadership and multi-stakeholder collaboration for urgent action on climate change to create a safe, equitable and sustainable world.

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