Women's Safety Not Budget Priority

Australian Greens

"Last night's Budget was a betrayal of women experiencing violence, who deserved so much better than rehashed ScoMo policy and re-announced old money.

"With women being murdered at almost twice the rate of last year, now 4 a week, last night's Budget was the time for the Government to fully fund frontline domestic, family and sexual support services.

"I am outraged that there was not a single cent of new money for frontline support services, nor any new money for prevention programs to stop the epidemic of violence against women.

"Nor was there any meaningful increase for Jobseeker which could help women have the financial security to leave violence, nor was there any actually new money for crisis housing.

"So much for a 'government for women'.

"This is a budget that does almost nothing for women's safety, and the more Labor ignores this national crisis, the more women will die.

"National Cabinet's announcement was $925 million to extend and marginally expand the existing leaving violence payment - a recycled Scomo program that has been plagued with delay and admin issues.

"On housing for women fleeing violence, Labor has for the third time announced the same $1 billion which the Greens originally secured in HAFF negotiations, and which was already included in last year's MYEFO. How dare they imply that retargeting money makes it new money.

"That the Government can find $50 billion for fossil fuel subsidies but no new money for frontline services is an absolute indictment on their priorities."

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