Women's Water Polo Team Wins NCAA Title, Completing Perfect Season

Athletes and coaches from UCLA's women's water polo team stand near pool with trophy and arms raised

Ross Turteltaub

The No. 1–ranked UCLA women's water polo team won its eighth NCAA title and the 12th national championship in the program's history with a 7–4 victory in Berkeley Sunday against the California Golden Bears.

The Bruins completed the third undefeated season in program history, going 26–0 and joining the 2005 and 2008 teams, both of whom went 33–0. In addition to this Bruins team, only four women's water polo squads have had perfect runs to the NCAA championship, with USC doing it twice, in 2004 and 2016.

The win brings UCLA its 123rd NCAA title overall. Head coach Adam Wright, who has guided the UCLA men's water polo program to four NCAA titles, did so for the first time at the helm of the women's team.

Last Sunday, May 12, the men's volleyball team captured UCLA's 122nd NCAA championship.

Read the full story on the UCLA Athletics website.

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