Wonga Park Netball Courts Get Major Upgrade

Manningham Council

Improving our local sporting facilities is one of the ways we're building a better Manningham.

What is happening?

We're upgrading the netball courts and flood lighting at Wonga Park Reserve, Wonga Park.

The project will involve:

  • reconstructing the netball courts with compliant fields of play, lighting, fencing, and additional space for basketball
  • stabilising the embankments around the courts and addressing overgrown vegetation
  • removal of the timber bridge beside the existing netball courts
  • new player shelters
  • a new small sized facility to service the netball courts, including toilets, a multi-purpose change space, storage, drinking station, and scorer's shelter.

This project will be delivered as part of our 2024/25 Capital Works Program.

Where are the works?

Works will take place at the Wonga Park Netball Courts at Wonga Park Reserve, Wonga Park.

A map showing the location of the proposed upgrade of the Wonga Park Netball Courts

When will the works happen?

Construction is scheduled to begin in June and be completed by October 2025. This schedule is subject to weather conditions.

Why are the works needed?

The need to upgrade this facility was identified through a Netball Victoria Facility Audit and is planned as part of our Wonga Park Reserve Masterplan.

The existing facilities, including lighting, must be upgraded to comply with the latest Netball Victoria and industry guidelines.

The project will also provide new player shelters and a multipurpose facility, including a toilet and scorers shelter to support local clubs and communities who use the facility.

How will the works affect me?

The works will take place on weekdays during the hours of 7.00am and 5.00pm.

You may notice:

  • construction noise
  • minor traffic delays, including a temporary single lane closure
  • disruptions to car parking
  • footpath detours around the works
  • temporary disruptions to the reserve access.
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