Woodvale Bushfire - Information Sought

Strike Force Vulcan officers are seeking the public's assistance for information as they investigate a bushfire in the Yellagonga Regional Park in Woodvale on Sunday, 23 March 2025.

Just before 1am, emergency services were called to the fire in the park. The regional park area is bounded by Ocean Reef Road, Trappers Drive, Castlegate Way, Whitfords Avenue and Wanneroo Road.

The fire quickly spread and over 25 hectares of vegetation was burnt. Currently, the cause of the fire is being treated as suspicious.

Strike Force Vulcan Investigators urge anyone with any information relating to this fire to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or via www.crimestopperswa.com.au.&nbsp ;

Anyone with any CCTV, mobile phone or dash-cam vision of any suspicious vehicles, persons, or activity in the area of the fire, is asked to upload the vision direct investigators via the link:


Rewards of up to $25,000 are available for information that leads to the identification and conviction of an arsonist.

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