Woolworths Recalls Spinach, Stir Fry Kits in QLD


As a precaution, Woolworths is recalling the following products with a use by date of 26 March 2025 from its Queensland Metro and Supermarket stores;

  • Woolworths Mixed Leaf 120g - batch number 827628

  • Woolworths Spinach & Rocket 60g - batch number 379518

  • Woolworths Spinach &Rocket 120g - batch number 705439

  • Woolworths Spinach 60g - batch number 379515

  • Woolworths Cook Stir Fry Kit with Teriyaki Sauce 400g - batch number 409878

  • Woolworths Cook Stir Fry Mix with Rainbow Vegetables 400g - batch number 185251

  • Woolworths Kale & Spinach 300g - batch number 54901

Woolworths is recalling the products listed above as a precaution due to potential microbiological contamination. Woolworths has not received any complaints from customers across Australia regarding these products.

Woolworths encourages customers to check the specific variety of Woolworths spinach and stir fry mixes in their fridge and only respond to the recall if it is one of the specific packets listed above.

Customers should avoid consuming the affected product and return it to their nearest Woolworths Supermarket or Metro store for a full refund.

No other products or batches are affected by this recall. Other varieties of Woolworths mixed salad and stir fry bags are unaffected and remain safe to consume.

Woolworths takes product safety seriously and apologises for any inconvenience caused by this recall. Customers can call the toll-free customer service number f

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