Work Underway On Revamp Of Three Playgrounds

Council has started work on installing the first of three new playgrounds in our suburban neighbourhoods: Ken Schultz Park in Mount Austin, Ray Beddoe Park in Lake Albert, and Lloyd Park in Lloyd.

The design for each playground was chosen by the community via our online engagement platform, Have Your Say Wagga Wagga, in September 2024.

Council's Works and Playground Officer John Conlan says the Ken Schultz playground, located in the park on the corner of Ceduna Street and Nilma Avenue, is the first to undergo the transformation.

"We began early last week by removing all the equipment from the old playground, except for the spinning carousel, which has been incorporated into the new design," Mr Conlan said.

"On Monday (3 March) we started the installation work and I think young residents from the local neighbourhood will really enjoy the new swings and slides, as well as the balance trail, monkey bars and rope net wall climber.

Man in hi-vis shirt and wearing a hard hat holds an upright wooden beam during the installation of new playground equipment.
STEADY HAND: Council's Works and Playground Officer John Conlan installs the one of the new pieces of equipment as part of the Ray Schultz Park playground revamp.

"We're also putting in new table setting under the existing trees next to the playground, so there'll be a great shady spot for parents or carers to sit and relax as well.

"Once all the equipment is installed and the mulch is down, residents are welcome to come and try it out.

"We'll still have the concrete paths and edging to complete in the next few months, but the playground will be usable in the meantime."

The upgrade will include a path through the middle of the two sections of the playground, as well as a link to the existing footpath on Ceduna Street.

The Ray Beddoe playground, in the open space to the west of Lakeside Drive on the western side of Lake Albert, will be the last of the three to get a revamp.

It will also be relocated closer to the Wagga Wagga Country Club to take advantage of more open space for the larger playground, which features bespoke elements, such as a large stainless steel tube slide.

Modular playground tower with slides, climbing net and colourful roof in background, with man in hi-vis vest shoveling soil in the foreground.

"Each of the new playgrounds will cater for children aged from four years old to early teens and will have improved accessibility, with more equipment at ground level along with paths to make it easier to get to the playgrounds from nearby streets," Mr Conlan said.

The total budget for the three playground replacements is $240,000.

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