Working for Victoria fund


More than 130 jobs are being created in Hobsons Bay through a partnership between the Victorian Government and Hobsons Bay City Council.

The $500 million Working for Victoria program is a significant investment from the state government, in partnership with local government. The program matches people who have lost their job as a result of the economic impacts of the Coronavirus pandemic, with local governments to deliver critical services and projects for communities.

The Hobsons Bay Working for Victoria program will be an opportunity to help people from Hobsons Bay and Melbourne's west get back into the workforce and gain experience in local government.

These jobs will boost the local economy and support the community as it begins to recover from the pandemic. They have been designed to accelerate critical infrastructure projects and community programs that will provide immediate and long-term benefit to the people of Hobsons Bay.

The Hobsons Bay Working for Victoria program provides an opportunity for staff and the local community to be proud of the legacy this program delivers.

Roles are for a six month duration and will suit people with experience and skills across a range of areas. These people will work directly for Council on core projects, alongside existing Council staff. Key areas of focus include:

  • Environment and biodiversity works, including accelerating Council's ambitious Urban Forest Strategy, and landscaping and mulching programs
  • Local bike paths, footpaths and infrastructure, including outdoor maintenance and improvements, accelerating significant bike and pedestrian paths, supporting recycling reforms, and other concreting and civil works projects
  • Local business service and stakeholder engagement roles, working with local businesses to support them in reopening and prospering in the coming months, as well as communications programs to continue to further connect with our community
  • Digital and business transformation programs which support the ongoing digital shift of Hobsons Bay services, including data analytics, digital arts, digital process transformation, and mapping and GIS improvements
  • Community services teams that will support tailored services direct to residents and community members, including specialist roles such as counsellors and nurses, as well as broader roles working directly with vulnerable community members

Council successfully applied for a $5.9 million grant to fund the new jobs and is one of 15 councils across Victoria to recently join the Working for Victoria program.

More than 6,700 Victorians have secured positions through Working for Victoria since the program was launched in April, providing a quick return to work and access to training where required. Many of the earlier roles have been for Victorians working on regional teams to deliver cleansing services across the state. The new Hobsons Bay Working for Victoria team will work as Council staff, supported by Council teams.

The state government has also partnered with Sidekicker to deliver an online jobs platform for Working for Victoria. This includes job search and application services and access to online training. People interested in the roles that will soon be on offer at Council must apply through the Sidekicker platform. Council encourages people who haven't already registered with Working for Victoria through the Sidekicker platform to lodge their details and keep an eye out for Council's roles, which will go live in the coming week or two.

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