Council's Economic Development team are preparing a Bombala CBD Activation Plan that aims to help Bombala's Central Business District achieve its maximum potential as a thriving and prosperous space for business, tourism and the local community.
The Plan is intended to be collaborative partnership between Council, local businesses and the wider community. The focus of the initiative is on creating a sense of place, coordinating a united and cohesive vision of the CBD as a whole.
By bringing together everyone with a stake in the revitalisation of the precinct to collaborate on a shared vision – rather than individual projects, parts, or areas of responsibility – the Bombala CBD Activation Plan will help breathe new life into Bombala's CBD.
Council held a workshop with local businesses in April to introduce the concept and gather initial thoughts and ideas.
A survey is now live on our Your Say page to cast a wider net and capture views, thoughts and ideas from the wider community. Your feedback on this next stage of the project will play a key role in shaping the future of the Bombala CBD.
Participation in the survey is open to anyone who has been to the Bombala CBD –regardless of age or where they live. Council will share the results at future community workshops, serving as a jumping-off point for discussion and collaboration on the Plan.
The survey results and outcomes from the workshops will be combined with all available data and information, to inform the vision, goals and actions of the final Plan.