Works start at new youth centre in Pakenham

Construction has kicked off for the new youth centre in Pakenham.

Cardinia Shire Council Mayor Councillor Jeff Springfield joined Bass MP Jordan Crugnale and La Trobe MP Jason Wood for a sod turn at the site this afternoon.

Cardinia Youth Hub will offer programs and services for young people aged 12 to 24, with dedicated training/class rooms, counselling rooms, a program/group room, hang out space, a shower and laundry facility, recording booth, computers with internet access and a roof-top recreation space.

Services and programs will support young people to build resilience, re-engage in education, training and work opportunities, improve relationships, and provide timely access to expert specialist services.

Cardinia Shire Council Mayor Councillor Jeff Springfield said Cardinia Youth Hub would support the future needs of our local young people.

"The move to construct this new, purpose-built youth centre is what our community has been asking for," Cr Springfield said.

"We're a fast-growing community, and this is just one example of the continued collaborative efforts we have with both the Victorian Government and Australian Government to continue to improve local facilities for our communities here in the shire."

Henty Ward Councillor Carol Ryan said the location was ideal for our young people as it was close to public transport and local skate parks and shopping areas.

"It's important we plan for the future and in particular for the future of our young people.

The current youth centre is an absolutely fantastic service but it's bursting at the seams! We can't wait to have the new centre available for our young people," she said.

Cardinia Shire Council has committed $1.8 million towards this project.

The Victorian Government has committed $3 million from the Growing Suburbs Fund and the Australian Government has put forward $1.5 million as part of the Community Health and Hospitals Program.

State Member for Bass Jordan Crugnale says Cardinia Youth Hub represents the very best in our community and I am so pleased that Growing Suburbs Fund has helped this project become a reality.

"This is what happens when all three levels of government work together to support and service our young people.

"This youth hub will be a place for our young people to meet, learn, feel safe and to gain educational and employment support.

"If our young people have the support and opportunities they deserve, they grow up confident, with a good sense of self, are healthy and active citizens - this enriches us all. This is a social investment and our youth and their families are so worth it."

Federal Member for La Trobe Jason Wood welcomed the sod turning saying the sod turning was a huge win for the community.

"As one of the fastest growing regions in the country, the south east of Melbourne demands better support services.

"The $1.5 million in funding we secured on behalf of the Morrison Government will ensure that young people receive support in re-engaging with education, upskilling and socialising in a safe environment."

Cardinia Youth Hub will be located on a Council-owned parcel of land on James Street in Pakenham and is anticipated to open in January 2023.

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