Works To Commence On Smith Street Transformation

Darwin City Council

Local Darwin company DEC Installations has been engaged to transform Smith Street into a dynamic pedestrian hub featuring micromobility lanes, more trees, improved amenity and artwork from local creatives.

Work on City of Darwin's Smith Street Streetscape project will commence on Monday 31 March 2025 with the project expected to be completed by July 2025.

Lord Mayor Kon Vatskalis said the final design of the Smith Street Streetscape project had been shaped by the community.

"We undertook considerable community consultation for the Smith Street Streetscape project with nearly 80 per cent of respondents supporting the upgrades," Mr Vatskalis said.

"Over half the people surveyed said they would be more inclined to visit the street once the improvements are made.

"Our aim is to create a cooler, greener and more dynamic hub with enhanced pedestrian experience and safety.

"We are also excited to see the public art components come to life, with works from local creatives, including Denise Quall, Lee Harrop, Amina McConvell, Katy Moir and Minna Leunig, included in the final design," he said.

The Smith Street Streetscape project will see greening and cooling elements added to the stretch between Knuckey and Whitfield Streets, including additional trees and landscaping, improved pedestrian and active transport access and enhancements made to amenity.

Micro mobility lanes will be installed, running next to the footpath, and there will be new pedestrian crossings added at Whitfield Street, Searcy Street and Edmunds Street.

Some car parks will be removed to make way for more trees, in line with the community's desire to see a cooler, cleaner, greener area created.

As part of the project, the accessible car parking, currently located on Smith Street, will be relocated to Peel Street.

The rainbow crossing, alternatively referred to as the Pride Flag, will be replaced with the Inclusive Progress Pride Flag, with the refreshed design determined in consultation with peak representative bodies.

The project is funded by the Northern Territory Government and delivered by City of Darwin as part of the Darwin City Deal, which aims to position Darwin as a vibrant and liveable tropical city.

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